Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two year anniversary of conception

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of the girls' conception.

I recall the moment in the clinic in Barra, near Rio, when the doctor said he wanted to implant three embroyos. We paused. He said, "One chance in ten thousand that you would get triplets." He said, "This is your last chance to have a baby." We said, "Let's do it."

Now they are 17 months old (today). Three amazing girls and two very tired and amazed parents.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For the past two weeks, we have been renovating the kitchen. Tuesday 2.19 Varlei stripped out the cabinets, tore out the walls, brought down the ceiling & ripped up the floor. The house has been in a state of chaos since then. Constant noise and dust, irritation and confusion, improvised solutions and break-down. The girls, who had been fighting a GI virus for a couple of weeks prior to the construction, have not done well. The noise and dirt & confinement have left them in an agitated state. We have tried to take them out as much as possible but there aren't that many places to go in mid-winter, and it takes an hour and a half to get them ready to go out, especially since they are full of diarrhea and tend to vomit at unexpected moments. Last night they were crying a lot in the middle of the night. And now Evelyn has a cough. We are worried.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Almost a year

Trying to get back into the blogging habit with the girls. They are almost a year old - birthday next Sunday, 2.27.

So much to observe & report...