Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For the past two weeks, we have been renovating the kitchen. Tuesday 2.19 Varlei stripped out the cabinets, tore out the walls, brought down the ceiling & ripped up the floor. The house has been in a state of chaos since then. Constant noise and dust, irritation and confusion, improvised solutions and break-down. The girls, who had been fighting a GI virus for a couple of weeks prior to the construction, have not done well. The noise and dirt & confinement have left them in an agitated state. We have tried to take them out as much as possible but there aren't that many places to go in mid-winter, and it takes an hour and a half to get them ready to go out, especially since they are full of diarrhea and tend to vomit at unexpected moments. Last night they were crying a lot in the middle of the night. And now Evelyn has a cough. We are worried.

1 comment:

Karl said...

I hope things have improved since you posted this. The kitchen is finished and the girls are happy and healthy by now? Best wishes to you. -Karl-