This is how we are doing today, January 23rd. It's been a busy week of learning to do less and less, and Luciana is getting better at it. We have all the daily problems of life, but since we seem to be managing them better, they are more or less just a backdrop for our big event. We have been down to one car all week because my car went into the shop last Thursday, and it took them three days to diagnose the problem, and since then can't get the right part. It has snowed several times, so there has been lots of digging, snowblowing and salting. Some neighbor recently figured out they could get on our wireless network and grab tons of bandwith for BitTorrent downloads (I'm guessing) so I had to learn (finally) how to program the router to have a password. In the midst of this, Luciana's computer lost its (tenuous at best) connection to the internet, and we still haven't puzzled that one out. The garbage disposal is jammed, so we are constantly unclogging the sink drain and thinking vaguely about getting someone who knows what they are doing to come fix it. Perhaps on Saturday Varlei will come, as he has promised, to fix the many things. Meanwhile we are learning to move slowly, and we are learning to reassure each other. Last night it turned out that I was not mentally prepared for the day of the birth at the hospital, in that I had always figured I would be there through the whole process, and then when everyone was settled in and safe -- if everyone was settled in and safe -- I would go home for a few hours sleep before coming back in the morning. No! No! No! What kind of husband thinks this kind of thing?!? It must have been my autistic side getting activated. So it turns out the proper plan is -- I will sleep in the chair, ever ready to jump up and make sure the babies are alright so I can return to reassure my poor wife, who will be recovering from major surgery. Of course, if I had undergone major surgery (does appendectomy and gall bladder removal count as major surgery? maybe not) I would just as soon be left alone. But... hey, that's me. Luciana does NOT want to be left alone. Now that I understand that, things are fine.
I think for the first time I began to visualize the situation at the hospital and I realized I will probably be so excited that I will stay up all night anyway!
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