This was one of those vicious phases of organization that sets in, like a bowel spasm, and then finally eases and releases and lets us all go back to our life as normally lived -- in a total mess. One Sunday afternoon - before all the house renovations began, so this had to be December or January or February of 07/08, I bought this piece of peg board at Home Depot, capably screwed it to the garage wall, and carefully hung all the tools where they would be available for instant use in the event of any home repair episode. It was such a proud moment that Luciana came out to memorialize with a photo. If you could only see things in the garage now... Last Sunday I spent an hour tussling mano a mano with piles of our stuff, the possessions that had accumulated in the garage over the past year during the renovations. There was the sunny Sunday when we disemboweled the basement and garage, with hired help, no less, and carefully rearranged all this stuff - giving things away, selling a few things, repacking things and arranging them into the attic, basement and -- and -- yes, and the garage, which resumed its status as an impassable crevasse of possessions rendered useless. Somewhere in all that mess, this pegboard is still on the wall -- but it is so encumbered with tools that it too is useless -- even if you could reach it beyond the impediments of piles of piles of possessions.
And all this has to be worked out before the babies arrive!!!
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