Thursday, September 4, 2008


I just got back from my therapy session. Haven't seen the man since July, when I flew down to Rio to begin the IVF treatment, so this was my chance to tell him the big news.
"You seem very very happy," he said. "I am," I said. He grinned at me - complicity and comprehension.
That doesn't say it all, of course. There's so much to deal with: so much to comprehend, so many unknowns to face.
But for me the most salient memory I have of the past week is the few minutes the other morning when L and I danced together in the kitchen before breakfast. No music playing - just a sudden look of joy shared between us, and we fell into our little happy dance. This is the joy I've been missing my whole life, and now I've found it with her.
Her and me, the three embinhos, the three dogs, the dirty house and its endless renovation, her four children, my two children, her ex-husband and my ex-wife, her parents and my parents, her friends and my friends, our colleagues, my patients and her patients. The big vast expanding network of interacting lives.
And at the center, L and me dancing.

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