Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First scary scare

Today we had our first scary scare. Up to know, all the scares have been unsettling and even concerning but never scary. This morning L woke up feeling bad. I took her blood pressure and it was high. She had a headache and felt very swollen, and she was groaning and moaning every time she tried to walk from room to room. All this is complicated by the quotidian demands of life. The RCN technician showed up in the midst of this to settle our HBO-cable problem, which he did with admirable despatch, but his presence compounded the complexity of our calculations: my client appointment schedule, her need to get into Tufts Medical Center to be assessed, and our having only one functioning car (the MB is waiting for a new catalytic converter, and has been waiting down at Junior's garage since Friday). All this is intensified by L's tendency to minimize everything because she doesn't want me to worry, which exacerbates the intensity of my concerns because I can't really judge how badly she is feeling.
It all seems to be working out. She got into the medical center, where they admitted her for a couple of hours of observation. Her blood pressure went up, down, up, and then settled down. There is some protein spilling into her urine. The consenses for today is that she probably is NOT going into pre-eclampsia -- more likely, the babies are getting ready to be born. They are saying today that she should go on bed rest (only getting out for purposes of hygiene and nutrition) and that we can expect the babies to be born in the next 2-3 weeks. Which has a strong ring of "Holy S*** this is getting awfully realistic" about it.

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