Monday, January 19, 2009

Moving to house (ar)rest

The big development of the past week is that on Friday Luciana stopped working. She had a letter from her doctor telling her to stop working, and Thursday she gave that to her employers. It is so hard for her to settling into house rest, however. Several times a day we get into cross-purposes. I want her to rest, to sit or lie down, to do nothing -- and she can't stand the feeling of doing nothing. We have a mantra for her -- "I'm a flower bed" -- but that doesn't quite do it. She is facing four to six more weeks of this, and it seems to be terrifying to her. I don't blame her -- I wouldn't want to be doing what she doing, or undergoing what she's undergoing. It seems like the last part of the pregnancy is an ordeal -- scary, painful, exhausting, mortifying.

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